Learn how to add a new soil profile to SOILBOOK.
The upload process consists of 3 steps:

An instruction on how to dig soil profiles in the field is provided here!
1. Select current land use
Each soil profile is a section of the surrounding landscape! In a first step, the current usage of the site is specified.
2. Add pictures
Up to 10 pictures of the soil profile and its environment can either be photographed and added directly or uploaded from the image gallery. As a thumbnail, a particularly expressive photo is recommended!
3. Set geographical position
Where did you find your soil profile?
There are 5 ways to submit the location of the site:-
3.1 Geodata from image
As soon as images are indicated with the marker symbol , geodata is available and can be used to specify the location.
3.2 Current position
If you are right on the spot, you can submit your current position.
3.3 Enter Address
To approximate the geographical position of the soil profile, it is also possible to enter an address in the search bar.
3.4 Map
Navigate to the desired location by scrolling on the map and marking the position of your soil profile.
3.5 Coordinates
You can also set the position by manually entering longitude and latitude coordinates (WGS 84).
Almost done! When you click “publish”, we will review your contribution before publishing it.
4.Optional – Features & Details
Additional information of the soil profile and details can be shared optionally with other SOILBOOK users. Those features include e.g. current vegetation, smell, color, soil life, as well as soil-specific details (parent material, soil type, texture, etc.) and climate data. Finally, there is the possibility to insert a short description of the soil.
New features in the user profile
Create collections, add favorites
Create Collections
Any number of public or private collections of soil profiles can be created and sorted thematically.
Add soil favorites
Your favorite soils at one glance! Interesting soil profiles can be added not only to your collections, but also to your favorites.
Why Soilbook?
Soils are the foundation of our existence and are – besides water, air, animals and plants – the most valuable and the most worthy of protection goods of mankind.
We want to create awareness for the variety but also for the endangered status of soils.
Learn more about Soilbook